“Uncle Joe” was passing through Serbia on his way to Kosovo and was completely taken aback by what met him at his arrival? There was a Donald Trump rally waiting for him. Is Europe realizing that migration and globalization is ruining their cultural homes, or is America in front leading the way to globalization and thinking it is working better? I for one think Europe has come to grips with the fact it is not working and want change now, and people see that Trump is a start to a stop the madness.
According to Western Journalism:
“Trump is the alternative to globalization. He will destroy old centers of power in the United States and he is a supporter of Russia,” said Vojislav Seselj, head of the Serbian Radical Party. He urged all Serbian-Americans to vote for Trump.
I for one think Europe has come to grips with the fact it is not working and want change now, and people see that Trump could put a stop to the madness. It is interesting to note, it seems the “man on the street” knows and understands more than the elites that run countries. I guess they are not subjected to the daily fright of a possible knife attack on a train, as most have come to think about daily, or the lack of food as many have experienced. What do you think?