John McCain Contributes Money to Kelli Ward campaign
Kelli Ward recently had a BBQ fund raiser and while in the process of sending credit card payments through, ran across one that was almost totally non legible. When they checked the address that was given, they found that no such address exists. After a little investigation they discovered that the perpetrator was a McCain intern. In the end, the McCain campaign was forced to pay the Ward campaign a thirty five dollar donation.
Ward was appreciative:
I’d like to thank Senator McCain and his staff for their diligent devotion to attending my events– especially all the clumsy kids with cameras. Although Brenda’s $35 donation could be construed as a conciliatory reparation for a senior level McCain staffer plowing down my mother, I prefer to give Brenda the benefit of a doubt that she too understands the need to honor John McCain with retirement and elect a Conservative Champion for Arizona’s Future. Our campaign’s message and momentum are hard to resist, and I am thrilled to have Brenda on board with Ward!
Ward was referring to the McCain staffer who almost knocked her 71 year old mother to the ground as he was attempting to block people from attending the Ward event. Here is the video:
In return for the money, the Ward campaign did not charge Brenda for the bounced credit card donation and also agreed not to press charges against her for credit card fraud.
The Ward campaign later responded to a request from the McCain campaign and asked those who had received the donor form image to not further disseminate it. The new release added, “The donor form does contain some accurate information, so we respectfully ask that it be disregarded and deleted.” It continued, “The Ward campaign does NOT send staff to interfere with our opponent’s public events or enter their private ones under false pretenses.”
As of Wednesday the Ward campaign reported that it has now received the McCain intern’s payment for the event and agreed not to assess a declined payment processing fee and would not “explore possible criminal charges.”