Judge Tears Man To Shreds After Hearing His Shocking Child Porn Excuse

In a shocking display of moral depravity and twisted logic, a convicted pedophile from Michigan attempted to use bizarre and disturbing arguments to defend himself in court. The case highlights the dangers of allowing perverse ideologies to infiltrate our legal system and underscores the urgent need for a return to traditional values and common sense.

Joseph Gobrick, a 45-year-old man from Michigan, was found guilty of possessing pornographic images of children on his computer. Instead of accepting the consequences of his actions, Gobrick resorted to a series of absurd and offensive defenses in an attempt to avoid punishment.

During his trial, Gobrick claimed that he was not sexually attracted to children, despite the overwhelming evidence against him. He went on to assert that he identified as an “8-year-old girl” and that his possession of child pornography was protected under the First Amendment.

Photo Credit: 13 On you Side

These ludicrous claims were rightfully dismissed by the court, and Gobrick now faces at least ten years in prison. However, the fact that such a defense was even considered demonstrates how far we have strayed from the moral and legal principles that once governed our society.

Kent County Assistant Prosecutor Daniel Helmer rightfully called Gobrick “a danger to the public,” adding that he continued to display a shocking lack of remorse during the trial. Gobrick’s inability to recognize the harm caused by child pornography and his insistence on his right to possess such material is deeply troubling.

Kent County Circuit Court Judge Paul Denenfeld echoed this sentiment, stating, “This isn’t just virtual stuff; this is also real people being harmed.” Gobrick’s actions have real and devastating consequences for the innocent victims involved, and his callous disregard for their suffering is reprehensible.

Photo Credit: 13 On you Side

By choosing to represent himself and firing his court-appointed attorney, Gobrick demonstrated an alarming disconnect from reality. His defense tactics, which included bizarre references to gender and age identity, bestiality, free speech, and even Nazi Germany, were not only desperate but also indicative of a dangerous erosion of moral values in our society.

Gobrick’s case is a stark reminder of the importance of preserving traditional values and upholding the rule of law. The fact that an individual could even entertain the idea that possessing child pornography is a constitutionally protected right should be a wake-up call to all Americans.

It is time for us to reject the twisted ideologies that have infiltrated our legal system and advocate for a return to the principles of justice, morality, and common sense. The safety and well-being of our children depend on it, and we cannot allow degenerate individuals like Gobrick to dictate the terms of our society.

We must stand up against the forces that seek to undermine our values and work together to create a safer, more just world for our children. Let us not forget the words of Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

WATCH the video below for more details:

Source: Thegoptimes

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