Sacramento police said a homeless woman led them to a decomposed body after she was seen walking down a street carrying a human skull on a stick. Police stopped the woman at an abandoned house.

According to New York Post:

Authorities were combing the area for almost two days searching for clues. One man, identified only as Phillip, told the station that he had seen the homeless woman walk by for years and that he knew the location of where the skull and the body were found. Another neighbor, only identified as Warren, told Fox 40 that he could smell something strange coming from the camp.

Should this be a concern to the public at large? It’s hard to say in this climate we live in. Nothing seems to shock any longer. People are so morally empty that life seems to have very little worth. It seems we are reverting back to the dark ages when it comes to the value of a persons existance. Just to see what the mad men in ISIS do to non believers is more than enough to ask, where did it all go wrong. What do you think?