Wikileaks has done an amazing job of revealing to the American people just how screwed up and corrupt our government really is, at all levels. The most recent revelation comes from the very top, and shows that Obama may have directed his supporters in Colorado to engage in a little all-American voter fraud.

In an email, John Podesta discussed his meeting to two Coloradans who made it clear that they wanted help in making sure that only legal and living people were allowed to vote in the 2015 caucuses.

These two individuals just happen to be tight with the Clinton campaign and are concerned that there might be some improper conduct going on surrounding the caucus, and as we all know, if it’s not the Clintons who are cheating, nobody can cheat!


As this message describes, these two people discussed a strong likelihood that massive voter fraud was taking place in Colorado. So why is it when Republicans mention voter fraud they’re laughed out of the room, but when Democrats talk about it among themselves, there’s never any refutation that it exists?

Maybe that’s because a local television station in Colorado found out that dead people have been voting for years. Sara Sosa was one of those people. After her death in 2009, she somehow managed to cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Her husband Miguel Sosa passed away in 2008, but a closer look reveals he cast a vote in 2009.

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