LIVE Gov Nixon stammering through a press conference…

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Missouri Governor Jay Nixon announced Thursday that Missouri State Highway Patrol will take control of policing in Ferguson.

Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol will be in charge. Governor Nixon says U.S. Attorney Eric Holder has agreed to conduct a parallel investigation into the death of Michael Brown.

Several other regional leaders attended the news conference including St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley. Dooley tried to calm protesters Sunday night but the demonstrators would not listen.
“This ought not be a black or white thing. We can be better than this,” Dooley said.

Dooley plans to appoint a blue ribbon committee determine ways they can improve the communication between County residents and County government.

Mayor Francis Slay also addressed the crowd saying, “justice must happen, the grieving must be comforted, the angry must be heard, and the innocent must be protected.”

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