‘No Justice, No Football’: Ferguson demonstrators threaten to shut down TODAY’S St. Louis Rams game if officer Darren Wilson is not arrested
ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – KMOX News has learned Ferguson protestors are seeking St. Louis Rams tickets in the hopes of getting into the Edward Jones Dome and disrupting this Sunday’s game against the Dallas Cowboys.
We first heard about the threat Tuesday at the St. Louis County Council meeting.
“It’s not going to a fun day Sunday at your beautiful Rams game,” one protestor said.
Speaking with KMOX hosts Debbie Monterrey and Michael Kelley on Thursday morning, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said he’s well aware of those threats and is working on plans to counteract them.
“We are having extra resources in the downtown area for this weekend to address any eventuality,” Dotson said.
(UK Daily Mail) — ‘No Justice, No Football’: Ferguson demonstrators threaten to shut down St. Louis Rams game if officer Darren Wilson is not arrested
- Threat was made at St. Louis County Council meeting Tuesday as demonstrators also demanded the resignations of key county officials
- Demonstrators also promised to disrupt grocery stores and hold even more massive protest if St. Louis Cardinals make this year’s World Series
- Police promise to shut down anything more than a ‘peaceful’ demonstration