• September 7, 2024

Obama Sends Threat To Every State, “Give This Group Food Assistance Or Else”

Our o so compassionate leader has struck again! If he has it his way, the american taxpayer will now be paying for additional food stamp benefits. This time it’s for Syrian refugees. He shows once again his disdain for America.

In a letter from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to the state of Georgia’s social service agency, Obama gave an ultimatum: issue food stamps to Syrian refugees or face dire consequences for disobeying federal laws.

According to Breitbart, Jessica Shahin, associate administrator of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program at the USDA, dictated in the letter that if an applicant follows the proper procedure in applying for the welfare benefit, the state must issue the food stamps.

“As long as an applicant submits a SNAP application that includes the applicant’s name, address, and signature, the state agency must accept and process the application to be in compliance with federal law,” Shahin wrote. “As you are aware, State agencies administering SNAP must comply with all Civil Rights requirements and laws.”

In addition to further stating (threatening) that a refusal to issue food stamps to qualified individuals would constitute a federal offense, Shahin also named which refugees could not be denied.

“Refusing to accept applications based on a household’s national origin is in violation of these vital requirements. FNS would like to clarify that all refugees, including Syrian refugees, are considered qualified aliens and are able to receive SNAP,” she wrote.

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