OUTRAGEOUS: Family Loses School Board Appeal For ‘Pop-Tart Gun’ Case

School officials in Anne Arundel County rejected an appeal filed by the family of a boy suspended after he chewed his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun, according to a decision the family’s lawyer received Wednesday.

The Anne Arundel County Board of Education wrote in an Oct. 9 opinion that staff members at Park Elementary School “acted reasonably and properly” in addressing the disruption caused by the boy — then 7 years old — given the student’s history of misbehavior.

The school incident, which dates back to Mar. 1, 2013, attracted national attention as the so-called “Pop-Tart case.” It came as gun sensitivities were high, following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

The family’s lawyer, Robin Ficker, said the parents — still seeking to get the incident cleared from the child’s school record — will now appeal to the Maryland State Board of Education. “They have committed to taking it as far as we need to take it,” he said.


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