If I sound a bit harsh when the name Paul Ryan is mentioned, please excuss me. To me a politician who blows with the prevailing winds of self survival, Making him one of the worse possible.

“We actually have a plan to replace Obamacare. All of us have basically gotten a consensus on what our plan is, but we have to win an election to put it in place,” he said.

Although congressional Republicans could pass bills to repeal Obamacare regardless of who wins the White House, Clinton is likely to veto any measure from a GOP-controlled Congress.

Provided by Western Journalism:

“Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing job-killing Obamacare — Americans are experiencing soaring double-digit premium hikes, insurers are leaving, doctors are quitting, jobs are fleeing, and deductibles are through the roof.

What gets me a bit angry has been the constant cave in to Barrack Obama through his two Administrations. Republicans just sitting on their collective hands and saying and doing nothing. Now after the dye is cast Republicans have a plan that can work? It’s more than I can bare. It is time to flush out the whole Cartel working and living in Washington D.C. All I can say is get out and vote?

What do you think?