[PHOTO] Fisherman Shares Image Of Incredibly Rare Blue Lobster – 1 In 2 Million Chance!
This is a once-in-a-lifetime catch!
A Cape Cod fisherman got an exciting surprise in his catch earlier this week when he found a 2-pound lobster in his trap, the color of a sapphire. According to experts his catch is an extreme rarity, occurring in about one in two million.
Wayne Nickerson, owner and captain of FV Windsong in Plymouth, was the lucky fisherman who has been fishing for lobster for over 35 years. He told ABC this was only the second one he has caught.
“He let out a loud exclamation of excitement,” Jan, his wife, told ABC News. “He was very clear about how excited he was.”
Jan posted a photo of the blue lobster on a Facebook page on Monday. Since then the photo has been liked by over 1,800 people and shared by over 2,000 others.
Check it out!
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