Police Find Out Who Slashed Muslim Woman’s Face..You’ll Never Guess Who It Was


A Muslim woman, whose face had a 2 inch slash, reported to the police that she was walking down the street, when a man swung her around, called her a terrorist and slashed her face.  The police began investigating immediately to try to find the man who slashed the unnamed woman.

Assistant Chief Bill Aubry said:

“She was walking northbound on Broadway, an unknown male grabbed her by the arm, turned her and slashed her on the left side of her face.  She reported that when he slashed her, he made a statement to the effect that she was a terrorist, and he continued to flee northbound on Broadway.”

The New York Daily Snooze and the Huffandpuffington Post among other liberal outlets played it up big.  A poor Muslim woman was walking near Trinity Church (Yes, it’s the same Trinity Church featured in the Nicholas Cage film, National Treasure) when she is suddenly accosted by a wild eyed bigoted conservative Christian Donald Trump supporter.

But this story has a surprise ending.  Well, maybe not such a surprise.  It turns out that the woman slashed her own face and then tried to turn it into a racial issue.  There’s a lot of money to be made by faking a hate crime.  Just ask Tawanna Brawley and Al Sharpton.

The police have given no indication for her slashing herself but have said that she has admitted cutting herself.

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