Proof Emerges That Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills Lied to the FBI

In the recently released transcripts of the depositions for Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, it was revealed that they both lied to the FBI. Both of Hillary’s top aides denied knowing about the private server until after they left the State Department.  The problem is they lied.  Emails and sworn depositions to Judicial Watch prove that they both knew about the server, despite their denials.  Three emails prove that both Abedin and Mills had at least a partial knowledge of the server.

Both of Hillary’s top aides denied knowing about the private server until after they left the State Department.  The problem is that they lied about this.  Emails and sworn depositions to Judicial Watch prove that they both knew about the server, despite their denials.  Three emails prove that both Abedin and Mills had at least a partial knowledge of the server.

One email chain dated Feb. 27, 2010, showed Mills explicitly asking Justin Cooper, an IT specialist on the staff of former President Bill Clinton, about the status of the server he was helping to set up after experiencing difficulties in trying to send a message.

Another email chain on Jan. 9, 2011, showed Abedin and Cooper discussing how he had to shut down the server temporarily after he suspected hacking attempts had been made on it.

Still another email exchange on Aug. 30, 2011, between several high-level State Department officials and Clinton aides, including Abedin and Mills, discussed the possibility of replacing Clinton’s malfunctioning personal Blackberry with a department-issued device, a swap that ultimately never occurred.

So, they lied to the FBI.  If you remember, Martha Stewart was sent to prison over the investigation into insider trading?  Are you aware that she wasn’t found guilty of insider trading?  She was also, found guilty of lying to the FBI since even if you are not under oath, lying to the FBI is a felony and that’s what she served time for.

Although they could claim they didn’t know the inner workings of the private email server, the emails prove that without a doubt they lied about knowing of its existence.

H/T [ The Daily Caller ]

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