For all that has been said about the Rio Olympic games, what do you think will stick out in your mind other than Michael Phelps? What comes to mind: An American Muslim slandering her adopted country, a swimmer disgraced by an incident at a filling station, an Egyptian wrestler not wanting to shake the hand of his Jewish competitor, a green swimming pool, thieves, pick pockets, dirty river water, possible Zika virus, seems almost endless. So it is not surprising to note that many venues were less than full at any time except for the opening and closing ceremonies, and even then we do not know if all seats were paid for.
International Olympic Committee vice president John Coates of Australia acknowledged the games have not run as smoothly as desired.“It’s been difficult,” he said. “To be fair, some of that was because of the economic and political background on which the games are being held.”For Olympic historian David Wallechinsky, attending his 17th games, the shortage of volunteers, lack of Olympic signage and other logistical glitches have outweighed the well-run competitions and welcoming Brazilian people.
Maybe Organizers should think twice before they take bribes or kick backs for selecting certain cities for the Olympics. Taking a chance on third world countries struggling to stay afloat is risky at best. I am aware of the planning and logistics, but many have been reporting for two years now the problems awaiting in Rio but it’s over now. I think it will be safe to say Brazil will be on the hook, just as Canada was back in 1976. If I miss my guess Canada just finished paying off the Olympic Stadium in Montreal.Maybe there should be 2 or 3 countries that rotate and can afford the games, people travel, makes sense to me. What do you think?