A 13-year-old rape victim from India developed such an intense fury against her attacker that she sought revenge by decapitating his five-year-old son.

According to The Times of India, the girl told authorities that she was assaulted by a man named Rinku in a village from the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh earlier this month. Rinku reportedly lured her by offering whitener, which is a print-erasing substance that is misused as an intoxicant in poor communities in India.

 To get back at her rapist, she lured his son named Amit while he was playing, then beheaded him. She then burned his body, packed it in a polythene bag, then buried it in a shallow grave, placing bricks on top. Dogs dug and dragged the young boy’s half burned body resulting in the discovery of her crime.

The young girl was sent to Ghaziabad Juvenile Home, while Rinku was charged with violation of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. Rinku’s family approached the police officer in charge OP Singh and asked that charges be dropped against their son Rinku, claiming that the young girl’s accusations against him were baseless.

However, Singh only assured them that “a fair inquiry will be done.”