State insurance regulators across the country have approved health care premium increases higher than those requested by insurers, despite a national effort to keep rates for policies sold on Affordable Care Act exchanges from skyrocketing, a USA TODAY analysis shows.
Insurance companies can’t keep up with the sicker risk pools and are sticking it to healthy people with these ridiculous premium hikes. (Too bad no one warned Democrats about that before, amirite?) We’re getting to the point where more people are opting not to purchase health insurance, and that kinda screws with the original plan.Remember that one time Obama said Obamacare would significantly reduce premiums?
I think Barrack Obama’s exact words were, “Your premiums will go down.” Good times. No one should be surprised, we all saw this coming , yet the ignorant bought it, hook line and sinker. If Hillary steals the election, you only have yourself to blame. What do you think?