Suspect Attacks Victims Because Of Their Politics

Apparently, one Kentucky man has had enough of Snowflakes and their thuggish ways. Police said that they have arrested a man that was attacking students with a machete on the campus of Transylvania University in Kentucky. A spokesperson said that 19-year-old Mitchell Adkins was arrested following the attack in the Glenn Building.

Lexington Police Sgt. Jervis Middleton says Adkins who is thought to be a former student, entered the building with a bag which contained “several edged weapons of various sizes.” Transylvania University is located just three blocks from downtown Lexington, Kentucky and is considered one of the best Liberal Arts colleges in the United States.


One witness to the incident, student Tristan Reynolds, told authorities that the man entered the building and said: “the day of reckoning has come,” He then went on up to someone and asked them about their political affiliation. When the answer was Republican, the assailant said “you are safe.” Reynolds said people immediately started to scatter and tried to exit the building. Then campus security arrived having been called by another party.

During the attack, two unidentified women were struck with the machete. One victim was transported to a local hospital for treatment. The other victim was treated at the scene by first responders. Police officers said neither of the women’s injuries were life threatening and both are expected to be okay.

Transylvania University campus police were able to take Adkins into custody following a struggle. He was later transported to a local hospital for treatment of self-inflicted wounds. Police are still investigating the incident and are currently trying to find out what motivated the attack on the students. Adkins had supposedly been complaining about being bullied by Liberal because he was a Conservative and supported President Trump, but that has not yet been confirmed.

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