Texas Gov. Perry’s verified Twitter sends offensive messages to his political opponents

Texas Governor Rick Perry.(Reuters / Brian Snyder)
Texas Governor Rick Perry.(Reuters / Brian Snyder)

A tweet from Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s verified account on Sunday featured an image mocking the Democratic district attorney central to an indictment against Perry charging abuse of power. Perry deleted the tweet, saying he did “not condone” the message.

The controversial tweet featured an unflattering mock-up image of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg, who was convicted of drunk driving in April 2013. After the incident Rick Perry insisted Lehmberg to resign, threatening otherwise to veto funding for her office.

The tweet’s caption read: “I don’t always drive drunk at 3x the legal blood alcohol limit… But when I do, I indict Gov. Perry for calling me out about it. I am the most drunk Democrat in Texas.”


It is yet unclear whether Perry himself actually posted the controversial tweet, which was later deleted.

“A tweet just went out from my account that was unauthorized. I do not condone the tweet and I have taken it down,” the tweet from Perry’s account said.

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