The Media Better Hope TRUMP Doesn’t Win: They Could face Dire Consequences


The constitution speaks of a free press, but it also speaks of free speech, but not all speech is allowed.  The classic example is you cannot yell fire in a crowded movie house.  Likewise, the press is free with certain limitations.  Should Donald Trump become president, they could be in a world of hurt, especially if he is as vindictive as they claim.  CNN for instance, has nearly 200 negative articles against Trump as they do against Clinton and he never violated the espionage act or sold his public office for millions of dollars.

Let’s start with the FEC. (Federal Election Commission.  the FEC forbids media outlets from coordinating with political campaigns, but there is more than enough evidence to prove those charges.  A Politico reporter submitted an article to the Clinton campaign for approval before turning it over to his editor.  Networks are airing Hillary attack ads free on their broadcasts but do not similarly air Donald Trump ads.  By the same token, networks submit the questions they are going to ask Hillary to her campaign for approval and a heads up, which they do not do for Trump.

Now let’s move along to the IRS.  In a Trump administration, the IRS could point to everything in the last paragraph and rule the free commercials coordination with Hillary are PIKs.  (Payments in Kind}  That is they are political contributions to the Clinton campaign.  Unless they report them as such on their taxes, they are in direct violation of the law and most likely will have far exceeded their legal limit on political contributions.  This would create another charge from the FEC.                                                                                                                                                                             The DOJ could easily get involved as the PIKs would be illegal campaign contributions.  Coordination with the campaign would also be in play as well as

The DOJ could easily get involved as the PIKs would be illegal campaign contributions.

Coordination with the campaign would also be in play as well as interfering in a free election process, especially since news outlets have lied or distorted information about Trump.  That to could bring charges from the FEC.

Let’s add some sweet irony to the mix.  Barack Obama and Eric Holder used suits against banks to fund La Raza and other left wing organizations to the tune of at least 55 million dollars in exchange for no criminal charges.  Let the networks off with huge fines and no criminal prosecution and a portion of those fines must go to media outlets that preserve the integrity of the media such as Breitbart.

We don’t know if Trump will do any of this, but if he did it would prevent the type of media noncoverage we are seeing this year in the future.


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