Conservative Catholics Express Outrage Over Possible Vatican Plans To Welcome Gays

Catholic conservatives have reacted furiously to a Vatican document that advocates a possible shift towards more tolerance to homosexuals. They want to defend traditional values such as marriage and family and not recognize same-sex marriages.

The Vatican says that the document is still a “work in progress,” which wants to try and integrate more homosexuals and divorcees into the Church fold. They said that a final version of the document would be issued, following a meeting of around 200 bishops, which will conclude on Sunday.

However, conservatives within the Catholic Church have accused liberals of trying to “railroad the assembly” and that their views do not reflect the general consensus within the Vatican.

One of its fiercest critics was Cardinal Raymond Burke from the United States. The ultra-conservative stated, “While the document purports to report only the discussion which took place among the synod fathers, it, in fact, advances positions which many synod fathers do not accept,” he told the Catholic World.

He added that “A great number of the synod fathers found it objectionable,” and said he would ask Pope Francis to deliver a defining statement, which would defend traditional family values and reject further integration of homosexuals into the Church’s sphere.

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