When  “Rock The Vote” began in 1990, celebrities have been using their influence to get their fan base to vote for a Politician they identify with. Being most are left leaning ideologues, and are not hiding the fact that they want you to get out and vote, as long as it is for their candidate of choice Hillary Clinton. And there are people like Amy Schumer slandering those she doesn’t agree with, but she knows better.

I take heart in the fact that all of Hillary Clinton rallies in the last 10 days are attended by these so called celebrities, from Jennifer Lopez’s shaking back side, to Jay-Z’s profane rap lyrics to Lebron James throwing up 3 pointers for Hillary Clinton.

Does it not fascinate you that all of these celebrities have financial security and have no struggles with money in their lives? They think they have sway over impressionable minds to manipulate voting. And sadly there are young people with no concept of the process, and just follow marching orders. 4 more years of the same, and only getting worse, But Beyonce said vote for Hillary and everything will be fine, how can I argue with that?

What do you think?

Source: IJR