Democrats love to call republicans racists while they continue displaying their racism to the country. First it was Obama trying to pressure blacks to vote for another liberal who will forget about the blacks that got them elected by claiming a Trump win would be a personal insult to him. Now, Hillary is displaying her well known racism by promising host, Steve Harvey that she intends to lecture “white people” on their racism. The truth is they are both distressed because Donald Trump has made huge inroads in the black vote. They are in panic mode.
Obama is sweating bullets because he would prefer that Hillary takes over from him because she will make things worse but if Trump comes in and starts reversing all of his policies and creating prosperity, it will expose his presidency for the sham that it is. Hillary is panicking because her campaign is foundering just like it did in 2008. The momentum is all behind Donald Trump. If you don’t think momentum means anything, let someone back up 20 feet and run right into you.
From The USHerald:
Commenting on a police shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma involving a white officer and a black victim, Clinton failed to heed her own advice given to Donald Trump to hold back on judgment in the case of the terror bombings over the weekend, and jumped in immediately to attack police.
The Democrat nominee told TV host Steve Harvey it was a matter of “systemic racism,” linking it with previous, unrelated incidents that groups like Black Lives Matter group together to promote the message of institutional discrimination no matter what evidence ultimately proves.
Putting the burden for the breakdown in racial relations squarely on the shoulders of whites, Clinton said, “I’m going to be talking to white people. I think we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries that are coming from our African-American fellow citizens.”