The Left is officially feeding on itself, and it couldn’t happen at a better place than Cal-Berkeley. After all these years the Progressives Leftists of the Caucasian Persuasion who really got the movement started in earl 70’s have reached a point where they are now being discriminated by their own disciples. Give me, give me, I want, I want, the ingratitude of it all. This is the best they can do with their collective time, harass their own? If any deserve it, it is them.
Left-wing students at the University of California, Berkeley are protesting again. This time, however, these students are calling for “safe spaces” for transgendered people, as well as “spaces of color” at the University (which they already have). The protesters are also harassing white students trying to study, barring their path across a key bridge while allowing students of color safe passage.
In video of the protest, the so-called anti-racism protesters were seen denying passage across the bridge to white students — shouting “go around” — while happily allowing students of color to pass through.
Some students in the footage said the protesters are “quite childish” adding “I agree with the right to protest, but disrupting the peace of others is not okay”, as protesters disrupted students trying to learn. UC Berkeley never disappoints.
What do you think?