Rev. Curtis Gatewood, field director for the NAACP’s North Carolina branch has come out in defense of the Dallas police shooter. He claims that poor Micah Johnson was helpless and that the Dallas police lynched him:
“Yes, I’m coming to the defense of the defenseless. That includes [Micah] X. Johnson who has been accused of shooting about 12 police officers. Even if [Micah] was carrying a gun or [rifle], that in of itself does not prove he murdered the police officers.”
Gatewood wrote in a blog posting:
Gatewood called Johnson’s death, “murder by police.”:
“Make no mistake, by taking this Black ‘suspect’ and demonizing and using a killer robot to blow him up in this unprecedented and barbaric manner and without a trial in a court of law is the truest and most literal example yet of a ‘high-tech lynching.”
He writes more:
“Let me say this to all people who love justice. We do not know what happened to those police officers who were shot in Dallas, TX. I do not believe or trust what is said or concluded by media and the police.”
“Is there a video of this [Micah] Johnson saying ‘I want to kill white people, especially white police officers?’
Hey, Gatewood:
What’s the use, you won’t believe the video either.