Violent Racist Leftist Thugs Chase Trump Supporter From a Public Park


The loony leftists were out in full force in City Hall Park in New York City, when they spied someone in a Make America Great Again hat.  Knowing the left’s intolerance for free speech, you can guess what happened.  They chased him from the park and then started tweeting what great warriors they were.  It only took forty of them to eject one man.

The mob scene was documented by reporters and posted to Twitter with the best imagery being captured on video by Alexander Rubinstein with RT America.

“Huge crowd of protesters escort out #Trump supporter at #ShutDownCityHallNYC”

“Lots of #NYPD police standing outside #ShutDownCityHallNYC occupation”

Irene Plagianos with DNAinfoNY.

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And then Trump supporter shows up, gets pushed out to chants of “racist” @DNAinfoNY

“And then Trump supporter shows up, gets pushed out to chants of “racist” #ShutdownCityHallNYC @DNAinfoNY”

Most press now hanging w the one Trump supporter who was escorted out. Families still speaking.

“Most press now hanging w the one Trump supporter who was escorted out. Families still speaking. #ShutDownCityHallNYC”

This Trump supporter thought he could enjoy the festivities without being ejected. He was wrong

“This Trump supporter thought he could enjoy the festivities without being ejected. He was wrong #ShutDownCityHallNYC”

Ejecting an alleged Trump supporter (holding red hat) from

Guy in Trump hat is concerned bc people shouldnt be shutting down “commerce” ala roads etc

“Guy in Trump hat is concerned bc people shouldnt be shutting down “commerce” ala roads etc #SHUTDOWNCITYHALLNYC”

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