• April 18, 2024

Watch: Presidential Candidate Cruz’s Stance On School Choice, And Common Core May Surprise You

There has been a lot of chatter regarding Ted Cruz and his stance on education. Especially regarding his proposed bill S 306. ; However Senator Ted Cruz has openly spoke spoke out against Common Core, and fully supports Home schooled families. Below are two videos in his own words that support his stance on the issues. Watch them, research, and decide for yourself.

Breitbart reports:

“We should repeal every word of Common Core,” he said. “We should get the federal government out of the business of curriculum.” This was not the first time Cruz said “no” to Common Core, but it was a great opportunity for the presidential hopeful to express his steadfast opposition to the progressive education reform movement standards. Cruz’ remarks came one day after his potential GOP presidential rival, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, endorsed Common Core.

In a video ad about the homeschool coalition, Cruz says:

Homeschool families strengthen our nation because they embody two of the indispensable pillars of our republic. The first is that every city, every state, every nation starts with a family. “The household,” as Aristotle wrote, “is earlier and more necessary than the city.” We need strong families to ensure that our society flourishes, and we know the essential elements of good citizenship by first learning to be faithful sons and daughters and sisters and brothers. A second essential pillar of the republic is education, which teaches us to know and love our God-given liberties. Home educators strengthen these fundamental pillars of our nation.


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