What Does it Take to Protect a Security Officer From a Tire Iron Beating?


Thieves Lives Matter activist Ricky Solis, who stole some power tools from a local Home Depot in Amarillo, Texas, when he was cornered by a loss prevention officer working for that Home Depot.  The two of them tangoed like Obama with Miss Argentine Playboy Bunny, when a second man tapped Solis’ shoulder to cut in.  In a fit of jealousy, Solis retrieved a tire iron from his car to punish the loss prevention officer for being unfaithful to him.

What could have been a disaster resulting in loss of life or limb, a concealed carry permit holder witnessed the unfolding events and decided to intervene.  Faced with superior fire power, the spokesman for Thieves Lives matter backed down and was handcuffed by the loss prevention officer, while the second dancer tried to see if his ass could catch up with his knees and elbows that were churning at breakneck speed.

The loss prevention officer had non life threatening injuries thanks to the CCP holder and did not require medical attention, while Solis was waltzed down to the nearest precinct and charged with theft by a racist cop who is obviously bigoted against criminals.  No word of if and when Solis will sue.