
Cheryl Mills: Huma, where is Bill?

Huma:  He isn’t here.  The hotel refused to remove all of the lamps and ashtrays from the rooms.

Mills:  Let’s go into the other room and help Hill watch the results. Oh, hi, Andrea Mitchell.

Mitchell:  I’ve got some great news.  Donna brazile called me and she said that CNN is going to call Florida and Ohio for Hillary.

Mills: Great news.  Let’s get in there before Hillary makes all the scotch disappear.

Clinton: Hi, girls.  Don’t worry.  I may be able to keep from falling off the stool, but I’m having no problem holding onto the floor.

Huma:  Don’t worry.  If anyone sees you stumble, we’ll blame it on talk radio and the Great Right Wing Conspiracy.

Clinton:  Just tell the the Russians did it.  Where is that bellboy with the back up scotch supply?

Podesta:  Oh, he called.  He checked with the ordering manager said you already got all three cases they had.

Clinton: These hotel workers are really deplorable.  Just throw them in a basket.

(Later the next morning)

Clinton:  That sumo bitch won Pennsylvania?

Huma:  At this point, what does it matter?

Mills:  Is there anything I can do for you?

Clinton:  You could hand out these invitations to all my campaign staff.  I’m inviting them to join me for a picnic.

Mills:  They’ll love that.

Clinton: ….at Ft Marcy Park.

Huma: Oh, shit.