WMC Action News 5 shared the story of Shanyna Isom in a special report in 2012; she grows fingernails through the hair follicles in her skin. Two years later and thecost of a mystery illness continues to threaten her life.
She lives day to day with an ailment that baffles doctors. It’s a skin disease that causes sharp stems, hard as fingernails, to grow out of the hair follicles all over her body.Click here for images (Images be difficult to view for some readers).
“They had to try something to try to keep me alive,” Isom said.
For the past four years, doctors at Johns Hopkins University Hospital have been studying Isom and keeping her alive with massive doses of medication. But she often can’t afford the costly trip to Baltimore or the many medications that have been prescribed.
Between visits to Baltimore, Dr. Mukesh Jain in Southaven helps Isom deal with the many complications of her mystery illness.
“I had not seen any condition like that before in my life either. I have been practicing for almost 30 years now,” Jain said.
Shanyna Isom has established a Go Fund Me account and a foundation for donations and to help others with unknown illnesses. Click here to help: http://www.gofundme.com/ear72w.