two whores

A whore, Jessica Drake, with the help of another whore, Gloria Allred has made some ridiculous charges against Donald Trump.  Allred served as a delegate for Hillary Clinton and wrote propaganda for the DNC.  She also makes an appearance every four years with a supposed October surprise for whomever is the republican presidential candidate is.  But in these endeavors, she is paid no money and in those cases she is not a whore but merely a slut.

Jessica Drake became a porn actress in 2000.  She claims that either Donald Trump or someone representing him offered $10,000 to spend the night with him.  She says she can’t remember who made the offer.  Considering she negotiated sex for money nearly 300 times for the movies she appeared in, you would think she’d have a better memory.

Moreover, it’s curious why she would turn down $10,000 when that was way above her pay scale.  In 2012 the pay scale for sex scenes was as follows:

According to Spiegler, there is a relatively straightforward scale for performances by an in-demand actress:

  • $800 for a girl-girl scene
  • $1,000 for a guy-girl scene
  • $1,200 or more for anal sex
  • $4,000 or more for “double penetration”

Spiegler, who is the top agent for porn stars said that in 2012 the highest paid actresses were paid $320,000 but that just a decade before that same actress was only $100.000, so figure what she was making accordingly.  So, turning down $10,000 for sex with a stranger that she had done 288 times for a lot less money doesn’t make sense.  As Judge Judy says, if it doesn’t make sense, it’s not true.

Plus, look at all of the other suspicious circumstances.  The only proof offered is a picture at the event in question.  Does anyone know how many pictures celebrities have taken at events like this.  They come up, get the picture taken and move out of the way for the next picture.  The event took place 10 years ago and not a peep until the day after she opened an online sex store, where he you can buy her instruction sex videos, including her twelve part series named,  ‘jessica drake’s Guide to Wicked Sex’ and “Satisfy Her Like a Legend”.  Accusing Donald Trump and appearing on TV with Gloria Allred was promotional gold.

'jessica drake's Guide to Wicked Sex' was reportedly launched Friday, a day before Drake came forward with her allegationsDrake's website features a 12-part instructional series

If you want to see the video, go somewhere else.  I don’t pimp for two whores.