These are 20 year old American citizens, you know the same age as some serving in the military overseas. I can understand the females emotion, but to see males crying over an election only goes to show you how far the feminization of males has come. So that being said, One Yale economics professor heard the cry, and decided to protect his snowflake students by making the mid term test optional.
He wrote to them saying: “I am getting many heartfelt notes from students who are in shock over the election returns” and “fear, rightly or wrongly for their families” and are “requesting that the exam be postponed.
It isn’t clear who the professor was, but Yale publishes a list of its economics faculty members here. The professor, in charge of the Econ 115 “introductory microeconomics” unit, acknowledges that many students sacrificed their time preparing for it, and were welcome to take it anyway. But he said that said anybody who could not face going it that day could skip it with no consequences.
Because so many college students now are easily triggered by anything and anyone outside their liberal bubble, the shock of a Donald Trump election victory over Hillary Clinton has caused some distraught students to plead with their professors to cancel exams.
This process couldn’t happen soon enough, goodness knows what will happen to them when working in the private sector and a supervisor reviews their work, and is not satisfied. Where will they go? I wonder if there will be a safe space? How soft our young are now, it’s almost laughable.
What do you think?