“How does it fell to be so weak that mere words hurt you?” The Future leaders of America are struggling for their safe space again. Yale students are up in arms that a professor would say something not politically correct. The struggles they have in life. What will the future hold in store for them in the real world without there circle of friends.
The fallout of the email saw Nicholas Christakis, the master of Silliman College at Yale, and his wife Erika, a faculty member, resign from their positions at the university.The new videos, which appeared on The Federalist, give a greater insight into what the students were demanding from Christakis, and his defense that cultural appropriation on Halloween is permissible.Many students in the mob of almost 100 can be seen crying and shouting in the clips, as they scream at Christakis to apologize.
Watch the video here:
There is an undercurrent of childishness now in the higher education sector of our country. How did the little “snow flakes” get to where they are? I could only wonder how they would respond against Russian, Eastern European even Israeli? What little softies to cry over the thought of a halloween costume. It just takes me to another level of hopelessness for the future of our country. To think these students hide behind strong Americans their own age in uniform, who defend them at the cost of insult. Madness!
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