Jersey City is not much different then any other city with an inner city ghetto. I am as sad about the development of these area as much as the next person. For we are only as strong as our weakest link as a society. There are many a good person stuck in these zones and they are trying, but it seems like climbing a sand hill, as you keep going up, you still slip back down. This young man was a victim of a sub culture in the black community which shows no end in its self distruction.
Rather than enjoying their day off from school, the 16-year-old Ferris High School students were left stunned and saddened by the news that their friend had been shot dead at around 1:30 a.m.”It was crazy, I was just with him yesterday,” said the victim’s friend, Omar. “He wasn’t into the street life.”The teens identified the victim of this morning’s fatal shooting on Van Horne Street as a 16-year-old Lincoln High School student who they say was funny, smart, and loved playing basketball. “It didn’t matter if it was too hot or cold, he was always playing basketball,” the other teenager, Jaliyl, said.
Is this what all the displays of protest at football games is all about? I’m quite sure it was not a policeman who committed the murder. Where is the outcry from the Colin Kaepernick’s of the world, or the race bating intellectuals in the news and sports arena? Where is the BLM protesters? I can assume this does not pay. It has to be focused against the White Policeman, that’s where the power and money grab is more beneficial. I hope this becomes a rallying cry in the community, so this young man’s life was not cut short for no reason. What do you think?