Be Prepared For The Debate: It’s The Donald Trump GOP Debate Drinking Game!
This debate is likely to be one of the most watched debates in recent history and no doubt there will be various watch parties all over the country. Here’s a great way to add even more fun to the event by playing the Donald Trump Debate Drinking Game. Here are the rules.
One drink for every time Trump….
- Calls someone a “dummy” or “loser”
- Interrupts someone or uses his classic “excuse me” line to run over someone’s thoughts
- Mentions how much hispanics (or anyone) love him
- Tells us how rich he is
- Mentions Hillary Clinton
- Mentions getting back at China
- Mentions his plan for a wall between the U.S. and Mexico
- Points vigorously at someone
Do your best impression of Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-New York, and drink everything in the room if/when Trump …
Gives out someone’s personal cell phone number
Discusses his hair
Reveals an actual, bona fide plan for a specific policy position
Mentions Sarah Palin without being prompted
And a few favorite recipes for the evening:
Drink suggestions
Now, we know that The Donald says he never drinks, but we have some suggestions for libations that go beyond your average beer (though beer would work for this, especially this one) and honor Trump’s campaign thus far.
There’s a lot of Goldschlager in there because the man lovesgold, and there are some others that relate to some of the more Trump-tastic moments we’ve seen since he began his quest for the White House.
1. Cocky Motherf—er recipe
No explanation needed on the logic behind serving this one up.
- 1/2 oz Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps
- 1/2 oz amaretto almond liqueur
Stir ingredients together in a shot glass, and serve.
35 percent (70 proof)
Serve in: Shot Glass
2. The Gold Rush
An obvious choice, considering the 18-karat gold-plated seat belt buckles in his $7 million helicopter.
- 1/2 oz Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps
- 1/2 oz Red Bull energy drink
Pour equal parts of Goldschlager and Red Bull into a shot glass, and serve.
21 percent (42 proof)
Serve in: Shot Glass
3. Mother’s Milk recipe
The ultimate tribute to Trump, considering
- 1 oz Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps
- 1 oz butterscotch schnapps
- 1 oz milk
Shake over ice, and strain into two shot glasses.
19 percent (38 proof)
Serve in: Shot Glass
***Disclaimer: Drink responsibly and only if you’re at least 21 years old. Do not drink and drive, and definitely don’t fly your $7 million helicopter that’s outfitted with gold-plated seat belts if you’ve slammed back a few.
National Sun Times contributed to this post.
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