A BLM activist has a record of impersonating an officer including once pretending to be an FBI agent, while armed in order to gain entrance to a state office building. Tyree “Sir Maejor” Page, leader of BLM of Greater Atlanta has been arrested a total of three times for impersonation. Somehow he has managed to stay out of prison, even when he impersonated an FBI agent, which is a federal crime. Unbelievably, considering his record, he has insisted greater accountability from the police.
The first time Page impersonated a police officer in 2014, he handcuffed an African American woman while he was wearing a replica police uniform When police nabbed him, he had a .45 handgun on him. He told the police he had a gun because he worked as a security guard. The second time came in October of 2015. It wasn’t one of his finest moments. He stopped a man and demanded to see his identification. Unfortunately, the man he stopped was a police sergeant.
The third time was his attempt to enter the state office building posing as an FBI agent.
From LawNewz:
Despite the charges, Page was still part of a group of Black Lives Matter of Atlanta protesters that met with Mayor Kasim Reed earlier this year to demand greater police accountability. Page evidently parted ways with BLM of Atlanta a few months ago, although it is unclear what led to the split. Nonetheless, Page remains active in the movement and he recently started a new chapter called Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta.
Fox 5 confronted Page about the arrests earlier this week, but he refused to be interviewed and shut the door in the face of the reporter.