Breaking: Anonymous & #Occupy Call on Supporters to Flood St. Louis for Violent Uprising

Breaking: Anonymous & #Occupy Call on Supporters to

Flood St. Louis for Violent Uprising



H/T The GateWay Pundit


The radical Anonymous and Occupy groups are working in concert to prepare protesters for battle.

Not only are the radical groups calling for supporters to pour into the St. Louis region, they’re instructing them on what to bring, make, and do. It sure seems they are working to turn the grand jury announcement into the opening salvo of a violent revolution.

Anonymous/Occupy the Mob 
It’s going down right now, protesters flying in, Riding train in, & driving to #Ferguson. Protest on the ground and the internet, #Ferguson

They are calling on all activists to meet up in St. Louis.

Activists in Ferguson and the USA who plan on being in the street: we recommend kevlar vests, helmets, gas masks, home made shields.

They’re planning on a fight.

This doesn’t sound good.

The protesters are expecting mass arrests.

They really did set up a wedding registry to get their criminals out.

Recently, a team member, who declined to be identified but said he was out of the country, said the core Ferguson operation is run by about a half-dozen Anonymous operatives, invited by St. Louis activists, with thousands of “Anons” from about 75 different countries “joining in to help.”

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