So, since when do we take our marching orders from CAIR? Apparently, since Obama became president of the United States.
From Breitbart:
The Saudi-funded, terror-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is slamming Republican Governors over their efforts to oppose the import of refugees from Syria into the United States.
So far, the Governors of the following states have issued statements announcing their intentions to block Syrian nationals from entering the United States:
Texas, Arkansas, Indiana, Massachusetts, Alabama, Louisiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Mississippi Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Maine, Arizona, and New Hampshire.
The bipartisan effort from the states comes following the Paris terror attacks that were committed by Syrian nationals loyal to the Islamic State terror group.
In a Press Release titled, “CAIR Decries GOP Governors’ ‘Un-American’ Refusal to Accept Syrian Refugees,” the Islamist advocacy group, which has been declared as a terrorist organization in the UAE, wrote:
“Defeating ISIS involves projecting American ideals to the world. This un-American rejection of refugees, who will face significant security checks prior to entry, sends entirely the wrong message. Governors who reject those fleeing war and persecution abandon our ideals and instead project our fears to the world.”
Simultaneously, CAIR has engaged in a social media campaign titled, “#TerrorismHasNoReligion,” with the goal of distancing Islam from the Islamic State terror group.
“CAIR is waging a campaign to stifle any reference to the Islamist ideology that drove the Islamic State attack on Paris,” read analysis from The Investigative Project On Terrorism.
The Islamic supremacist outfit is often described as a “Muslim advocacy group” or a “civil rights organization” by much of the mainstream media, but the foundation of CAIR provides for a different narrative.
Nihad Awad, A CAIR co-founder and its current leader, has substantial ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Moreover, FBI wiretaps found that Awad had instructed his employees to use coded-language when referring to Hamas, due to the group’s designation as a terrorist organization by the United States.
Separately, Republican candidate for President Dr. Ben Carson recently called for an investigation into the group’s tax-exempt status, claiming that CAIR violated non-profit laws when it campaigned to end the renowned neurosurgeon’s bid for the White House.