Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1671 into law, making it illegal for journalists to distribute audio or video recordings of healthcare providers without their consent. Is it not refreshing to know your elected officials, in this case, Governor Jerry Brown-Cal., is trying to suppress the public from knowing what is happening in the human baby parts selling business, the government funded Planned Parenthood is involved in. Don’t ever let it be said there is no collusion in government at the expense of the public when money is involved.

According to Breitbart:

As the Los Angeles Times reports, Planned Parenthood pushed the bill through the legislature even though it is already illegal to make these types of recordings without authorization in California. The abortion business argued that further punishment was needed for distributing the materials. Spearheaded by Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles), the new law comes as Planned Parenthood is desperately attempting to suppress information regarding its “baby parts” scandal.

No one can tell me Planned Parenthood is not a business praying on the frail emotions of young scared women for profit. The legalization of abortion is one thing, but to harvest the parts and sell for double the  profit is as soulless as anything I can think of. And for the government to protect such an industry, shows how cold and emotionless people can be when money is involved. And our fathers went to war to stop atrocities like this being conducted by the Nazi’s 70 years ago. Now in America, it is done for profit, which is disgraceful.

What do you think?