Just when you thought it was safe to go into politics again, you find out that Chelsea Clinton is being groomed to run for a House seat. The plan is for her to run for the seat currently held by Nita Lowey, who is 79 years old. Chelsea doesn’t live in Lowey’s district but that is not a problem. Bill and Hillary paid 1.16 million for a property next to theirs that would put her in the district. With Hillary’s loss, the Foundation will have a difficult time finding anyone to contribute since there would be a quid but no pro quo.
Chelsea would have to spend at least four years being totally worthless before she could hope to become president.
From The New York Post:
A source told us, “While it is true the Clintons need some time to regroup after Hillary’s crushing loss, they will not give up. Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand. In the past few years, she has taken a very visible role in the Clinton Foundation and on the campaign trail. While politics isn’t the life Hillary wanted for Chelsea, she chose to go on the campaign trail for her mother and has turned out to be very poised, articulate and comfortable with the visibility.”
The source continued, “There has been a lot of speculation within New York Democratic circles about Lowey’s retirement and Chelsea running for the seat. There is a belief that Chappaqua is a logical place for Chelsea to run, because it would be straightforward for her to raise money and build a powerful base.”