Joe Scarborough is a television host and a pundit. He was discussing the Donald Trump phenomenon with a panel Leftist mouth pieces. His statement that he made is a bit of a stretch in saying ” the talking heads stopped being journalists in the past month,” which is nothing further than the truth. They have been in the tank for Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton for years, it is just recently that they have not bothered trying to hide it.

MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough said Thursday.“… they stopped being journalists for the past month, and began being cheerleaders, and began being people who had a conclusion that they reached, and then searched for facts to show that Hillary was a 92, 93, 99.999 percent chance winner of winning this campaign,” he added.

Provided by Western Journalism:

I wonder if Joe Scarborough was having a “come to Jesus” meeting with himself, or swallowing some humble pie as all the others? Needless to say he hit the nail on the head calling out the Left leaning ideologues on of all stations MSNBC.

What do you think?