Chicago Police Ignore Signs, Kill Family Dog After Intruding in Back Yard


The officers involved in this incident should be FIRED, tried, convicted, and serve prison time of no less than 9 years (the dogs age when killed).

An unsuspecting family on Chicago’s south side woke up to the horrifying sounds of their dog being shot dead by police in its own yard, WGN TV reports.

As it happened, Chicago police had been chasing a culprit through the Taylor family’s yard and felt threatened by the dog. They then opened fire on the family pet, killing him in mere seconds. The dog’s name was Castro and it was nine years old.

Terry Taylor, Castro’s owner, says that police claimed they were chasing someone when they opened the gate, which had a “Beware of Dog” sign on it, and encountered Castro. It was then that police shot and killed the dog that Taylor had owned since it was a puppy.

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