Children Living In Poverty Double Under Obama Administration

When we hear how well the U.S. economy is recovering slowly we are told, but doing better than expected. Do your self a favor and change the channel. The amount of poverty in America is staggering for a country of such wealth.The Obama administration has been a complete failure, and how long it will take to recover is anyone’s guess. We can sit here for hours if not days connecting the dots of Democrat policies that led to this, but we do not have the time. Statistics do not lie.

According to Truth and Action:

Over 20 percent of US children ‒ an estimated 16 million youths ‒ are on food stamps, according to the latest government figures. That number has almost doubled since the Great Recession began in 2007. Nearly a quarter are living below the poverty line.The 14.7 million poor children ‒ those living below the official poverty level of $23,834 for a family of four ‒ exceed the populations of 12 US states combined: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. The figure is also greater than the combined populations of Sweden and Costa Rica, the report found.

It is going to take a lot of hard work and a complete over haul of regulations and the tax structure just to tip the scales a bit. This is one of the many reasons the Democrats cannot win the White House in this upcoming election. clinton will do nothing, but the same as now, and that is complete failure. Can you say recession?  Donald Trump has to be elected just to change course, such as it is. Time will only tell if it will make a difference, but what other choice is there?

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