
The University of Michigan has mandated that students and faculty must refer to students by whatever pronoun the student wishes.   That gave Grant Strobl an idea.  He decided he wanted to be identified as “His Majesty’ and other students and faculty are obligated to use it.


My new identity is His Majesty Grant Strobl, what’s yours? After you update WolverineAccess, tweet to !@YAF@YAFUMich

“I henceforth shall be referred to as: His Majesty, Grant Strobl. I encourage all U-M students to go onto Wolverine Access, and insert the identity of their dreams.”

What happens if students and faculty refuse to call him His Majesty, they are subject to disciplinary action.  The pronoun committee (Yeah, they really have one) has decided that students being called by their preferred pronoun is a basic right and class rosters include the student’s preferred pronoun is a human right and must be used by professors.  The university has approved Strobl’s request to use the pronoun.  (No wonder Ohio State kicks their ass every year.  The opposing players know the proper pronoun to use but can’t read their playbooks)

From The Blaze:

While Strobl’s request might have seemed like a long shot, the university wound up approving it. Others later followed suit:

New pronoun just entered into wolverine access: “Her Royal Highness”

You shall now refer to me as “The Exalted Reverend Doctor Architect,” & everyone else shall refer to themselves as Mary.