Couple Married for 61 Years Separated Into Different Nursing Homes


A couple who were married since 1954 have been separated because there is no place that has room for them both.  Wolf Gottschalk, 83, and his wife Anita, 81 met and fell in love many years ago in Germany.  They have been together ever since.  Until now, that is.  That is the beauty of the single payer system that they have in Canada that Hillary will bring here when the NeverTrumpers anoint her the Queen of America.

After just a few months of marriage, the couple decided to move to Surrey, British Columbia, so that they might have a better life.  They built a successful life and raised three children.

Wolf currently has no trouble remembering his wife of 62 years, Anita. The couple married in 1954 in Germany after falling in love as teens (pictured here at their wedding at ages 19 and 21)

The family fears that Wolf's memory could change if he remains apart from his wife much longer. The couple are pictured above during one of Anita's recent visits to see her husband

Happier times: Their family tries to bring Anita to visit Wolf every other day, but they worry the separation is still taking a toll on each of them

From The Mail Online:

But after 62 years of being together every single day, the couple have been forced to live separately for the past eight months because there are no spaces at care homes close by that can accommodate the married couple.

Their failing health means the pair have the urge to spend as much time with one another, while they still can.  

Outlining the family’s seemingly impossible situation in a Facebook posting, their granddaughter Ashley Bartyik wrote of her sadness and frustration at the current situation.

‘After 62 years together, they’re inseparable. They do everything together,’ she wrote. 

In speaking to, Ashley shared that her grandmother had cared for her husband up until January, when doctors told the family he needed to be in a care facility as his condition was worsening.   

Wolf is on a waitlist to move into the same nursing home where his wife is being cared for, The Residence at Morgan Heights, but the Fraser Health Authority is unable to say when it might happen.

Their family is doing all they can to ensure the couple see each other as often as possible, so every other day family members drive Anita half and hour up the road to see her beloved husband.

Depressing: Even more heartbreaking, Ashley captured the photo above of her grandfather sitting alone while looking out the window in hopes his wife is coming, as he calls out her nickname, 'little mouse'

Depressing: Even more heartbreaking, Ashley captured the photo above of her grandfather sitting alone while looking out the window in hopes his wife is coming, as he calls out her nickname, ‘little mouse’

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