How Hillary Clinton continues to evade humiliation, not to mention dismissal from the election process is beyond me. If you ever wanted to root for the bad guy, she’s the one. It only goes to show the depth’s of corruption our nation’s government is wrapped in. In the upcoming term, if we can survive this we can survive anything. I can sit here and list all the lies deceit and corruptible charges against her, and people will still vote for her. It reminds me of the Black Knight in tales of King Arthur. Well, I say off with her head! Not figuratively of course, but you get the picture.
According to Young Conservatives:
Judicial Watch today announced that a federal court has ordered the State Department to review newly found Clinton emails and turn over responsive records by September 13. And, in two other Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits, the State Department is scheduled to release additional emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system beginning September 30. In a court filing this week, the State Department admitted it had found Benghazi-related documents among the 14,900 Clinton emails and attachments uncovered by the FBI that Mrs. Clinton deleted and withheld from the State Department.
It is hard not to seem biased, but after all these years of watching the Clinton’s play the system like a fine tuned violin, I really hope there is some honesty left in some people in Washington not matter which party. If not we know we have fallen under the spell, for lack of a better term,”the dark side”. What do you think?