The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) decided to ratchet up the gore (and poor taste) in their latest series of anti-gun ads.
Mis-characterized by CSGV as public service announcements, the only service these grisly ads provide to the public is alerting the electorate to the gun control community’s increasingly angry, inflammatory, and judgmental tactics.

One of the ads depicts a man enjoying a meal in a diner, when he comes across a newspaper article about a shooting. The camera then pans to the man’s blood-soaked hands, while a narrator states, “You did not buy the guns. You did not load the bullets. You did not empty the chamber. But you voted; voted for politicians that refused to support common sense gun laws. Vote only for candidates who fight to reduce gun violence.”
The ad implies that anyone who does not vote for CSGV-approved gun control candidates has blood on their hands.
Another ad shows a group of young people, who are alerted to a shooting via their smart phones. The young adults become hysterical when their hands and phones become covered in blood as the narrator utters the same statement. Even the ballots cast by voters in the ad are depicted as soiled by the blood of innocents.
While the graphic nature of the ads is likely to grab the most attention, it’s their message that truly conveys the mindset of the radical gun control fringe. Most reasonable Americans understand that violent criminals make their own choices, and they alone are ultimately responsible for their actions. Conversely, the empty “solutions” promoted by gun control advocates necessitate that they collectivize blame across society for the exercise of free will by individual persons. Anti-gun activists, for example, routinely blame all NRA members, or even all gun owners, for the deplorable (and already illegal) actions of a single person misusing a firearm. Sometimes this collective blame is even directed at the firearms themselves, as if they exert some unwholesome influence wholly apart from human agency.

CSGV’s latest ads, however, take the collectivist theory to a new level of hysteria, by contending that anyone who doesn’t vote a straight gun control ticket is tantamount to a mass murderer. In doing so, CSGV would relieve the actual perpetrators of these crimes of their personal responsibility, and shift it to the majority of the electorate, and more specifically, to gun owning voters.
We can at least agree with CSGV on one thing, however: Your decision on how to vote (and whether or not to vote at all) will contribute to moving the momentum on gun control in one direction or another. CSGV hopes to shame pro-gun votes away from the polls, but their tactics ignore the fact that Americans still believe in free will, individual responsibility, and most of all, the value of freedom.
The most effective way to combat CSGV’s deviant mindset is to ensure that you and your like-minded friends and family vote for NRA-PVF-endorsed candidates on November 4. By visiting, you can access candidate grades and endorsements, and find out where to cast your ballot. With your support, and the help of pro-freedom candidates, America will continue to ensure that the angry, condemning, judgmental philosophy of groups like CSGV stays where it belongs: on the lunatic fringe.

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:
Source: AmmoLand
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