Diner Lapsed Into Coma, Waiter Arrested For Serving Wrong Dish

It is getting harder and harder to make a living now days, even for Food Servers in Quebec, Canada. This could be a first where a Waiter can be arrested for mistakenly serving the wrong dish to a customer, who had an allergic reaction to seafood the. I am aware that a place of business that sells alcohol to a customer, and if the customer gets in an accident the business can be held responsible, but this is a first in food serving.

According to fox News:

When Quebec resident Simon-Pierre Canuel went to dinner at Le Tapageur restaurant with his partner in late May, he ordered beef tartare and says he repeatedly told their server that he is allergic to seafood.

But when he began to eat he quickly realized he’d gotten the salmon tartare instead. “With the dim lighting, it’s not easy to tell the difference between two dishes, especially if they use mayonnaise. It can be confusing,” Canuel explains.

I can understand the business and Waiter being held responsible for medical bills and lost wages that would be incurred due to the incident, but to be incarcerated for a mistake seems a bit much.  Thankfully Mr. Canuel, is doing well again. Do you think the arrest is warranted? What do you think?


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