Damon Young, an Ebony editor wrote an article on VerySmartBrothas.com (A misnomer if I ever saw one) that he wants all Trump supporters to die and he wants a treasonous, lying, felon who sells US foreign policy for a profit to win.
He wrote:
“Yes, you read that correctly. I want these motherfuckers to lose. And if losing what might be the last winnable election for them in a millennia isn’t enough for them to move into the 21st century, I wouldn’t terribly mind if they withered the fuck away and died.”
“I do not want these people to feel good or inspired. I do not want them to receive some type of collective psychic victory. I do not want them to experience any measure of positive reinforcement.”
Young makes the mistake that people hate him for being black. He never considers the fact that people hate him for being a foul mouthed moron who wishes death on people who disagree with him. He really should consider the possibility. He should realize that if he wants his opinion to be respected, he needs to respect the opinions of others not wish them to die.
He adds:
“No, nothing besides confusion, shame, and, if the confusion and the shame isn’t enough to convince them to at least consider not hating me and people who look like me and people who don’t look like them, death.”
“I’ll even write them a card. And the card will say ‘Thank you.’” (For dying)
Let’s face it, sanity is not for everyone.