• September 8, 2024

Eleven Year Old Boy Destroys MSNBC Host Over Her Biased Reporting


Eleven-year-old Matthew Schricker appeared on MSNBC with hostess Chris Jansing on Friday, and he shocked her when she thought she could manipulate him into bashing Donald Trump.  Instead, he bashed Chris Jansing.  He kicked her but so hard, she will have to unbutton her shirt to experience a bowel movement.  Jansing asked young Matthew:

“Was that a question that you came up with, did your mom help you, and what did you think about his answer?”

Matthew answered emphatically:

“It was a question that I came up with.  And I was very satisfied by his answer. And it was not — I was not meaning for it to be hostile. As you said before, I was challenging him. No, I was not.”

“I was totally just asking him to see if he was — if Mr. Trump was approving. I was not trying to be mean to him or challenging him or trying to bait him like many websites who are saying I was grilling him. I was not doing anything to offend him or the Trump campaign,”

“Well, I think — actually, I meant it as a compliment that you asked a tough question, which was a good thing. I think — and he answered it to your satisfaction.  What was, though, behind that question? Did you have some concerns about whether he supported Donald Trump? Was that what was going on?”

“I have no doubt about how he supported Donald Trump. I was just a little worried about if he was just — if he was balancing the ticket or if he was kind of going — if he was kind of distancing himself from the Trump campaign. And I just wanted to see a little bit, it was kind of nagging on my mind a little bit as I kept reading each report. So I got a chance, and I said it out loud and he answered me.”

Next time, Jansing should try picking on a four year old, so that she would actually have a chance.

Here is the question in question:



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