Father Arrested For Death Of Toddler, But How Long The Baby Has Been Dead Is Outrageous

A toddler was found dead inside an apartment in Medina on Wednesday.

Officials tell Fox 8’s Kevin Freeman that a cable installer arrived at the apartment around 10 a.m. and when he went inside, he found the toddler’s body decomposed in a crib. It’s believed the toddler may have been dead a month.

The cable installer then called police.

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Neighbors told police that they saw the father leave the apartment the night before the cable installer arrived.

He was arrested shortly after at Crocker Park, while he was with his 7-year-old daughter.

Police are now attempting to locate and contact the toddler’s mother; it is possible she is in New York City.

The cause of the toddler’s death is unknown, and will be investigated.

Found at Fox 8 

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